Event Lighting Design & Production

Many thanks to Sampson Lloyd Photography for allowing us to use the above photos. The Copyright for these photos remains the property of Sampson Lloyd photography and they may not be copied or re-produced without permission. For further information please visit www.tournamentimages.com

Additionally I used 12 GLP Impression 120RZ for backlight on entrances, 4 Strong Xenon Gladiator III followspots and 1 x VL2000 Wash for a special. The lighting crew chief was Carl Boswell and the lighting was programmed on a GrandMA II Light by James Hamilton.

Horses are incredibly nervous of spots of light and projected gobos, so a great deal of care had to be taken lighting these sections for safety reasons. It was decided we would use 90 x Vari*Lite 3500 Wash lights and 54 x Vari*Lite 3500 Spots to light the arena. Additionally we used 50 x 4 - Lite Molefays for audience lighting, 16 x Source Four 750W profiles for the house band and the royal box.

I was approached by IMG to design the lighting for the British Military Tournament 2013 held annually at Earls Court. As this is effectively a theatre type show in an arena there were some fairly large challenges. The bowl in Earls Court 1 is a large space, and due to sightlines in the upper seating areas, the lighting system has to be flown at a not insignificant 21 metres. The brief also stated that the lighting has to be bright, capable of even colour washes and even white light for sections such as the Field Gun Run and the Household Cavalry.

The British Military Tournament 2013 - Earls Court

Case Studies